
  • Swab-its® News Article Special - By Dr. Ken Nordberg How Accurate Do You Have to Be Part IV

    How Accurate Do You Have to Be ­ Part IV By Dr. Ken Nordberg Have you ever wondered why some deer hunters seem to have all the luck, taking deer every year, some even taking mature bucks every year? Could this be attributable to better shooting? Some hunters seem to have the touch for this, rarely missing running deer or deer standing great distances away. Maybe a fast-shooting semi-automatic rifle or one of those range finders is the answer. Or could it be attributable something else, like the way they...

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  • Swab-its News Article - By Dr. Ken Nordberg

    How Accurate Do You Have to Be? Part III By Dr. Ken Nordberg Big game hunting is one of your most cherished pastimes. You’ve become an expert shot at the shooting range, one-inch accuracy at 100 yards your constant goal. Why? Because you’ve learned to greatly respect the animals you hunt. The big ones are challenging to hunt, smart, extra wary and extra cautious. It’s difficult to get close enough to them to make one-shot, humane kills. You do your best to avoid merely wounding them, make them difficult to...

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  • The time has finally come. It’s Deer season!

    Doesn’t matter if its White tail, Mules, or Black tails.  We have to go through the same preseason rituals. We all have a list, and like Saint Nick, we need to check it twice.  Plan ahead; scout out some plots: sight in your rifle; create some room in the freezer or on the wall “You could be the new owner of 5x5”. Don’t forget about your rifle’s health though. Having a clean rifle starts at the chamber. Invest a little time and energy in your rifle’s health with Swab-its® Gun-tips®,...

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