
  • 10 Stages, 300 Competitors, and Free Products from Swab-its

    10 Stages, 300 Competitors, and Free Products from Swab-its
    Springfield, Massachusetts. October 16, 2017. Prepare yourself for a jam-packed weekend at the 2017 Indiana Section Championship. The 10th annual sanctioned match will be hosted on October 27-29 by Wabash Valley Practical Pistol Shooters. The divisions include Limited, Open, Production, Revolver, Single Stack, Limited 10, PCC, and Carry Optics. This is the largest attended sanctioned match with over 300 competitors.  Swab-its will be donating over 200 packs of Bore-Tips and Gun-Tips to participants. These precision cleaning swabs are designed to clean even the toughest corners of firearms. Each swab is designed...

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  • Do You Have What it Takes to Participate in the Run ‘n Gun Biathlon?

    Do You Have What it Takes to Participate in the Run ‘n Gun Biathlon?
    Springfield, Massachusetts. October 13, 2017. On October 21st, participants will navigate a 5-mile course while carrying a rifle, pistol, and ammo. There will be various obstacles including hills, trails, woods, and a river canyon. Shooters will complete five to seven shooting stations along the way. Shooting distances vary from close up to 500 yards. The following day will be a less challenging 3.5-mile sprint. Both events are a fantastic way for participants to put their preparedness and skills to the test. Swab-its will be donating precision cleaning tools for the...

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  • Time Travel to the Old West During Hot Lead’s Cowboy Action Shooting Event

    Time Travel to the Old West During Hot Lead’s Cowboy Action Shooting Event
    Deadwood Marshals Range is hosting a three-day shooting event where participates will shoot pre- 1897 guns in stylish Old West clothes. The event will last from October 27 to October 29 in Sorrento, LA. Lunch is prepared and there is a banquet Saturday evening. Awards will be given to the best costumes and winners of the side match. Swab-its is donating packs of Bore-Tips and Gun-Tips for participants. These precision cleaning tools are designed to clean every surface of a firearm. Each tool is perfect for cleaning and preserving firearms....

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