News » swab-its

  • Why Swab-its?

    Why Swab-its?
     Why Swab-its? Swab-its products are faster than traditional swabs due to their durable, lint-free build. Each swab is designed for multiple uses and can withstand the most forceful clean. All of Swab-its products are designed for multiple calibers assuring that 360 degrees are efficiently cleaned. Pick up a pack today. 

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  • The time has finally come. It’s Deer season!

    Doesn’t matter if its White tail, Mules, or Black tails.  We have to go through the same preseason rituals. We all have a list, and like Saint Nick, we need to check it twice.  Plan ahead; scout out some plots: sight in your rifle; create some room in the freezer or on the wall “You could be the new owner of 5x5”. Don’t forget about your rifle’s health though. Having a clean rifle starts at the chamber. Invest a little time and energy in your rifle’s health with Swab-its® Gun-tips®,...

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  • What are Swab-its® Bore-tips® Gun Cleaning Products?

    Bore-tips® are a tough, reusable foam tips engineered for a specific tight bore fit providing a 360 contact with all the lands and grooves of the rifling. No more messing with jags or having to load poor fitting patches to the cleaning rod. Bore-tips thread onto a standard 8-32 cleaning rod.

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